Wednesday, May 25, 2011

scary day

We had a good start to the day, Granny made pancakes and they were YUMMY, I have learned that word now so I said Yummy to granny,
Then we were going to see my best friend Jason and take him some Lunch but he had to go with his mommy because she was sorting his Great grandpas things out, his great grandpa went home to Jesus this week which was Good for the grandpa but very sad for the Family!
So Granny said lets go to Monkey Bizness and we got there 2 minutes before the special$5 entry ended  that was Good and grabby got 25% of her coffee!! I played very well I made friends and was having a Lovely time for over an hour until I came down the slide and fell awkwardly i twisted my wrist back, at first it looked broken even two other Mommy's were concerned because I wouldn't straighten it but granny said lets not panic would one of you ladies get ice please so they did and I was crying and getting snot all over granny after a few minutes granny could tell it was just the way I fell and shes done that before and it hurts like crazy for a while, So she said would you like to go home, But I'm a big boy and I said NO and went off to play but every minute came back for a cuddle and cried a bit more , in the end I just sat on Granny's knee, then a lady said theres a Tornado in harrisonville and were on a warning, granny thought on NO what will we do she needed Gas but she didn't want to stop for gas and didn't want to run out so she got me into the car as fast as she could and the gas light said low gas, but she just knew it was enough ti get her home so she prayed we would get home safely and get me safely into a safe place, the siren was Very loud and I cried, we got into the basement and I didn't like it, and hadn't had lunch but there were snacks there so we put on the weather on the TV to follow it and daddy called so he knew we were safe, and I got upset I wanted to get out of the safe room., so granny lay on the mattress that was there with a big blanky and we snuggled until I went to sleep. I slept about 2 hours, when I woke I was very teary again and granny doesn't know why, maybe all the confusion, but a few cuddle and 2 green pops I was happy, then we read books and played upstairs I didn't want to go down, we emptied the dishwasher, put my clothing away and now I'm watching Esther while granny does the Blog, Granny said we need to thank God for our safety and pray for all the people that weren't safe, I don't know what that all means but I know how to pray!
I'm happy now !! and waiting for my mommy and Daddy to come home!! because I love them.

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